Dallas, TX
8080 Park Lane, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75231
The Art Institute of Dallas is a for-profit, private college in Dallas, TX. Admission is open to everyone, with a 100% acceptance rate. It is a very small institution with full-time enrollment of 506 undergrads. AI - Dallas' most desired major is a Bachelor's in Web Page and Digital Design, which is selected by 20% of the student body. Other popular picks include Culinary Arts and Food Service, which accounts for 11% of students, and Multimedia (9%). Its film program is ranked 14th in the state of Texas. Furthermore, AI - Dallas ranks 19th in TX on our most diverse colleges list. At sticker price, tuition goes for $16,689 a year for applicants based in Texas but $18,446 if you're not from Texas. Before you decide not to apply due to the price, be aware that all AI - Dallas students are awarded grant or scholarship funding. 24% of The Art Institute of Dallas students culminate their studies with a diploma, fresh and wanting to find a great job. The median graduate makes a salary of $26,900 two years after receiving their degrees. After 4 more years in the job market, the alumni's median annual salary grows 24.2% to $33,400; however, that is still 16.7% short of the national median income. Applicants may like to hear that it is recommended that you share your high school GPA when sending in your application. Further, it does not offer evening degree programs. With regard to your checkbook, be aware that 74% of students acquire financial aid through Pell grants. Our team of researchers rated AI - Dallas an 8.49 for its location and its campus rating on School Authority is 7.72. With respect to the student experience, AI - Dallas offers a smorgasbord of clubs and activities. To wind things up, the highest-earning quarter of graduates make a minimum starting salary of $43,500 and the average AI - Dallas student graduates with $7,560 per year of debt.
Student Life
SAT Score
ACT Score
Average Aid Awarded
Students Recieving Financial Aid
Web Page and Digital Design
Culinary Arts and Food Service
Interior Design
Baking and Pastry Arts
Fashion and Apparel Merchandising
Commercial Photography
Fashion and Apparel Design