school authority.

The Utah College of Dental Hygiene

Orem, UT

1176 South 1480 West, Orem, UT 84058

The Utah College of Dental Hygiene is a for-profit, private, all female college in Orem, UT. It is a tiny college with 110 full-time undergrads in attendance. A division of Careers Unlimited l.l.c only offers a Bachelor's in Dental Hygiene. If you are interested in getting a degree in dental, a division of Careers Unlimited l.l.c is an amazing option for you, because its dental program is second to none other in America. In addition, a division of Careers Unlimited l.l.c comes in 1st in Utah according to our best women's colleges list. 100% of The Utah College of Dental Hygiene students put on the cap and gown on graduation day and begin the subsequent chapter of their lives: professional life. Two years after graduating, alumni earn an average income of $33,100, which is 17.5% less than the national median wage. You might also want to be conscious of the fact that a division of Careers Unlimited l.l.c does not offer early decision and you are required to take the SAT or ACT to apply. Furthermore, students are able to take a semester abroad. With respect to your pocketbook, be aware that if your household earns between $49k and $75k, you typically will pay around $115 per year for tuition. Related to demographics, 94% of undergraduates come from a household with a yearly salary of over $110k and 91% of undergraduates are not yet of voting age. With regard to the campus experience, first-year students don't have to live in on-campus housing. To conclude, the lowest-earning 25% of graduates take home a starting salary of $19,500 or less and the highest-earning 1/4th of graduates rake in a starting salary of $53,000 or more.




Student Faculty Ratio
Graduation Rate


Evening Degree Programs


Student Faculty Ratio



Most Popular Majors

Graduates by Major

Dental Hygiene



In State Tuition
Out of State Tuition