school authority.

Best Colleges For Aerospace Engineering Technician




If you've always wanted to pursue aerospace engineering technology, you've probably considered a career as an aerospace engineering technician or an aeronautical drafter. The average graduate with this major brings home a yearly salary of $89,067, which, for your information, is 122.1% more than the median American income and 85.7% higher than an average associate pastor's income. Our squad of higher-education connoisseurs studied every school in the United States to create our unrivaled 2022 Best Colleges for Aerospace Engineering Technicians list. We hope that you'll find the perfect school for you! Idaho and Ohio lead the country in producing exemplary colleges for aerospace engineering technicians, each housing 2 of the top 10 ranks. Next is Oklahoma, housing 1 of the top 10. The 10 highest ranked colleges for aerospace engineering technicians have a median acceptance rate of 86%. On average, their admitted students received 1144 and 24 on the SAT and ACT, respectively. They cost an average of $12,539 a year, after taking financial aid into consideration, and their students receive between $3,820 and $18,185 on average in financial assistance per year. For the quality of their academic programs, they were rated an average of 8 on School Authority.