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Best Colleges For Agricultural Engineering




If you're thinking about studying agricultural engineering, you've probably considered a future as an agricultural engineer or a biosystems engineer. The average yearly wage for a graduate with a degree in agricultural engineering is $63,122, which, for the record, is 1.9% higher than an average state registered nurse's income. Our cadre of higher-education experts examined every single school in the United States to shape the supreme 2022 Best Colleges for Agricultural Engineering list. A couple of our top choices may shock you! The Midwest leads the nation in creating awesome colleges for agricultural engineering, accounting for 4 of the top 10 ranks. Next in line is the South Atlantic, having 3 in the top 10. For a little overview of our top choices, the 10 highest ranked colleges for agricultural engineering have student body sizes ranging from bigger sized to very big, with 15,642 to 44,103 full-time undergraduates. They have admittance rates ranging from 11% to 65%, and their undergrads' ACT scores range from 28 to 33. On average, their undergraduates cough up around $17,647 annually, after financial aid and scholarships, and their students receive between $7,659 and $39,334 on average in financial aid every year. Also, they enroll an average of 16 undergrads per professor, and their mean overall rating on our website is 10.