school authority.

Best Colleges For Barbering




If you've always been interested in barbering, you might be looking into a future as a barber. The average graduate with this major brings in an annual wage of $27,381, which, as a reference, is 57.5% behind the average yearly salary for a risk analyst. Our squad of higher-education consultants reviewed every single school in America to devise our unrivaled 2022 Best Colleges for Barbering list. You'll most likely be intrigued by a few of our top schools. The South Atlantic heads up the country in producing outstanding colleges for barbering, accounting for 6 of the top 10 places. Next in line is the Midwest, with 2 of the top 10. The 10 highest ranked colleges for barbering have a 100% median admittance rate. They have student body sizes ranging from very small to small, with 367 - 2,485 full-time undergrads. In addition, their average tuition after aid is $6,808, and their median student--faculty ratio is 14.5:1. Last but not least, they scored 9 on average for their overall School Authority rating.