school authority.

Best Colleges For Carpentry




Do you have a passion for carpentry? If so, you've probably considered a future as a carpenter. The average annual wage for a graduate with this major is $43,013, which, for your information, is 7.3% over the US median and 11.5% more than the average children's minister's earnings. Our researchers reviewed each and every university in America to roll out our quintessential 2022 Best Colleges for Carpentry list. A few of our picks could be eye-opening for you. Wisconsin leads the nation in providing high-end colleges for carpentry, housing 4 of the top 10 standings. After Wisconsin is Kansas, having 2 in the top 10. The 10 highest ranked colleges for carpentry accept 100% of applicants on average. Their average student body size is 1,599 and their median graduation rate is 55%. On average, in-state undergrads pay a median of $4,485 in tuition, while students from out-of-state pay a median of $6,249. Moreover, they enroll an average of 15 undergrads for each faculty member. For their overall college rankings, they were given ratings on School Authority that range from 7.98 to 9.53.