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Best Colleges For Data Processing




If you find data processing to be your purpose, you might be interested in a future as a data entry operator or a data processing specialist. The average data processing grad makes a yearly income of $63,725, which is 58.9% north of the median American income and 48% shy of the average income for a director of strategic planning. Our staff of educational specialists reviewed every single university in the United States and couldn't be more pleased to present the extensive 2022 Best Colleges for Data Processing list. Hopefully you will find this list to be illuminating. New York and Pennsylvania lead the country in producing five-star colleges for data processing, each housing 2 of the top 10 spaces. Next is Minnesota, having 1 in the top 10. To tell you a few things about our first choices, the 10 highest ranked colleges for data processing have an average enrollment of 11,649 full-time students. They have an 80.8% average admittance rate, and their undergraduates scored from 1115 - 1260 on the SAT. On average, they cost students close to $13,626 a year, after accounting for financial aid and scholarships, and their undergrads are awarded a mean amount of $8,743 in financial assistance per year. In addition, they enroll an average of 16 students for each professor, and their mean overall rating on our site is 9.