school authority.

Best Colleges For Elementary And Middle School Administration




If you've always felt drawn to elementary and middle school administration, you've probably considered a future as an elementary or middle school administrator. On average, graduates who studied elementary and middle school administration take home an income of $50,872 per year, which interestingly is 19% higher than the average fuel tanker driver's yearly wage. Our crew of educational consultants combed through every piece of data and are pleased to put on the map the encyclopedic 2022 Best Colleges for Elementary and Middle School Administration list. You might be interested in a handful of our top colleges! Ohio leads the country in delivering marvelous colleges for elementary and middle school administration, accounting for 5 of the top 6 schools. Next in line is New York, having 1 of the top 6. The 6 Best Colleges for Elementary and Middle School Administration have full-time enrollments ranging from 886 - 44,103 undergrads. They have nearly attainable for anybody admissions, with a 92% average admittance rate, and their undergrads' scored an average of 30 on the ACT. On average, their undergraduates end up paying approximately $13,516 a year, after taking financial aid into account, and their undergraduates receive from $4,203 - $10,786 on average in financial aid per year. Furthermore, they enroll a median of 19 students for each faculty member, and their mean rating for academics on School Authority is 8.
The Ohio State University at Marion
Marion, OH

The Ohio State University at Marion is a public university located on a stunning campus in Marion, OH. We've ranked it #720 in the nation on our best overall colleges list, and admission is accessible to all, given its 100% acceptance rate. It is a smaller sized university with 1,026 full-time students in attendance. The Ohio State University at Marion undergraduates can choose from 9 available majors across three disciplines. The most routinely chosen fields are Liberal Arts and Humanities, Social Work and Youth Services, and Elementary and Middle School Administration, with 56% of graduates receiving an Associate's in Liberal Arts and Humanities. 10% and 8% of students study Social Work and Youth Services and Elementary and Middle School Administration, respectively. Its public policy program is the #11 choice in its state. Also, it comes in 2nd in Ohio on our best colleges for middle income students list. For students living in Ohio, sticker price tuition costs $8,026 a year. Applicants located in other states have to spend $32,279 per year. Before you rule out applying because of the price, know that over 9 out of 10 undergraduates acquire financial support. 40% of The Ohio State University at Marion students complete their schooling with a diploma, green and hoping to land a high paying job. A couple years after receiving their diplomas, alumni earn an average yearly income of $37,900. After another four years on the job, the graduate's median salary grows 21.6% to $46,100, which is 15% above the national median salary for individuals. Applicants might want to find that February 1 is the application deadline. Additionally, it receives around $119 in research funding per student. Related to your bank account, be aware that 33% of undergrads get financial aid through Pell grants and students awarded institutional grants receive $3,162 in monetary aid on average. On the subject of demographics, students who can't yet vote make up 3% of the student body and students aged 18 and 19 make up 58% of the student body. Finally, six years after college, 10% of alumni are unemployed and six years after receiving their degrees, the highest-earning 1/4 of graduates take home $68,100 or more.
