school authority.

Best Colleges For Graphic Communications




If you're considering majoring in graphic communications, you're potentially interested in becoming a layout artist, a logo designer, or a brand identity consultant. Grads who studied graphic communications make an average yearly wage of $63,955, which, for the record, is 59.5% more than the nationwide median and 16.8% behind the mean wage of a controls engineer. Our college connoisseurs examined each and every school in the US in order to put together our quintessential 2022 Best Colleges for Graphic Communications list. Some of our picks will probably shock you! Iowa leads the US in generating top-tier colleges for graphic communications, accounting for 2 of the top 10 places. After Iowa is Arizona, housing 1 in the top 10. To give you some preliminary context on our first picks, the 10 Best Colleges for Graphic Communications have a 75.5% median admittance rate. Their student bodies range from small to huge with 1,126 - 39,627 full-time students and their graduation rates range from 42% to 83%. On average, in-state undergraduates pay a median of $9,702 in tuition, while those from out-of-state pay a median of $20,469.5. Further, they enroll an average of 16 students for every professor. For their overall college rankings, they were given a median rating of 8.99 on School Authority.