school authority.

Best Colleges For Higher Education Administration




If you really want to further your education in higher education administration, you're potentially planning on becoming a higher education administrator or an university dean. Grads with a bachelor's degree in higher education administration make an average yearly income of $53,088, which is 1.32 times the nationwide median and 44.4% more than an average sales consultant, automobile/car's earnings. Our college specialists combed through every piece of data and couldn't be more on cloud nine to share with you the meticulously researched 2022 Best Colleges for Higher Education Administration list. We hope you find the ideal program for you. The Southwest heads up the United States in generating high-ranking colleges for higher education administration, accounting for 2 of the top 4 seats. Next in line is the Midwest, with 1 in the top 4. For a little context on our first picks, the 4 Best Colleges for Higher Education Administration have a smaller sized average enrollment of 3,557 full-time undergrads. They have a mean admittance rate of 93%, and their accepted students scored between 1115 and 1180 on the SAT. On average, their undergrads pay approximately $15,325 a year, after financial aid and scholarships, and their undergraduates are awarded $10,684 on average in financial aid each year. Also, they enroll an average of 16 students per faculty member, and their ratings for academics on School Authority range from 7.98-9.01.
Robert Morris University - Pennsylvania
Moon Township, PA

Robert Morris University - Pennsylvania is a private university in Moon Township, PA. The acceptance rate is 84%, making it attainable for most. On our all-around top colleges list, we've ranked it #933 in the country. It has a smaller sized student body with 3,648 full-time students enrolled. Robert Morris University - Pennsylvania offers 36 majors across seven disciplines. The most frequent selections are Engineering, Nursing, and Accounting, with 15% of graduates receiving a Bachelor's in Engineering. 12% and 8% of students study Nursing and Accounting, respectively. Its sports management program is ranked 6th in Pennsylvania. What's more, it comes in 5th in Pennsylvania according to our best online colleges list. For students with residences in Pennsylvania, sticker price tuition costs $24,410. Non-Pennsylvania residents must shell out $25,762 per year. Before you decide not to apply because of the cost, keep in mind that just about each and every undergraduate, a substantial majority of undergrads obtains at least some monetary aid. 65% of Robert Morris University - Pennsylvania undergraduates graduate, transitioning into the job market ready to make some cash. A couple years after receiving their diplomas, graduates take home a median income of $38,400. After another four years of experience, their average earnings rises 24.2% to $47,700, which is 19% higher than the national median salary. Applying students may also like to be conscious of the fact that its undergraduates generally scored between 520 and 600 on the reading section of the SAT and it doesn't have early decision. In addition, it does not offer a distance education program, and 82% of first-time students continue pursuing their studies the following year. Related to your cash flow, be aware that the average undergraduate is awarded $18,280 in grants. Overall, it received an 8.5 and its value rating on School Authority is 9.53. To wind things up, the lowest-earning quarter of graduates rake in $31,600 or less six years after completing their studies and only4% of graduates default on their student loans.

SAT Score
ACT Score