school authority.

Best Colleges For Marine Science




If you long to get a degree in marine science, you might be considering a future as a marine biologist, a research consultant, or an aquarium director. The average graduate who studied marine science makes a yearly income of $57,849, which, for your information, is 44.3% above the median American salary and over double the average self storage manager's wage. Our higher-education consultants studied each and every college in the nation and are eager to put on the map our essential 2022 Best Colleges for Marine Science list. You might be shocked by some of this year's highest ranking schools. New England and the West Coast lead the USA in yielding grade-A colleges for marine science, each accounting for 3 of the top 10 slots. Next in line is the Mid-Atlantic, having 2 in the top 10. The top 10 colleges for marine science have a median acceptance rate of 63.5%. They admit students with average SAT scores ranging between 1075 and 1335, and have an average enrollment of 13,430 full-time students. Additionally, their net price is $16,513 on average, after taking scholarships and grants into account, and their mean student--faculty ratio is 17:1. In closing, they averaged an overall School Authority rating of 9.