school authority.

Best Colleges For Medical Insurance Coding




Do you find medical insurance coding to be especially interesting? If so, you've probably thought about pursuing a career as a medical insurance coder, a hospital coding specialist, or a medical coding auditor. The average yearly wage for a medical insurance coding graduate is $32,364, which, as a reference, is 19.3% behind the United States median and 68.4% below the average tax attorney's earnings. Our crew of higher-education consultants assessed every university in the US and couldn't be more eager to show you our ultimate 2022 Best Colleges for Medical Insurance Coding list. Hopefully you'll discover the perfect program for you! Wisconsin leads the US in yielding stellar colleges for medical insurance coding, having 2 of the top 10 places. After Wisconsin is Minnesota, housing 1 in the top 10. To share a couple of things about our top picks with you, the 10 Best Colleges for Medical Insurance Coding have a median full-time enrollment of 2,326 students. They have a 91.9% average acceptance rate, and their students' average SAT and ACT scores are 1260 and 27, respectively. On average, their undergraduates dish out approximately $12,406 per year, after financial aid and scholarships, and their undergrads receive from $4,435 - $31,998 on average in aid each year. Further, they enroll a median of 17 students for every professor, and their average School Authority rating for academics is 9.