school authority.

Best Colleges For Midwifery




If midwifery captivates you, you've probably considered a career as a certified nurse midwife. On average, certified nurse midwives rake in an income of $110,636 per year, but you'll have to get a graduate degree in addition to your bachelor's. Our squad of college experts sifted through every piece of information and couldn't be more excited to put forth the consummate 2022 Best Colleges for Midwifery list. Some of our picks may surprise you! . To share some things about our top choices with you, the 4 Best Colleges for Midwifery are not competitive, achievable by most, with an average admittance rate of 76%. Their average student body size is 199 and their median graduation rate is 80.5%. On average, their out-of-state tuition costs $10,698, while in-state tuition costs $9,442. Further, they enroll a median of 11.5 undergrads for every professor. For their overall college rankings, they received ratings on School Authority that range from 8.76 to 8.76.