school authority.

Best Colleges For Property Management




Is property management your first choice for a major? If that's the case, you're probably interested in becoming a property manager. Property management graduates commonly bring in an annual income of $68,951, which just for reference is 71.9% higher than the US median and 149.9% north of the average income for a bouncer. Our squad of educational analysts combed through all the numbers and couldn't be more eager to give you the unrivaled 2022 Best Colleges for Property Management list. We hope you find the best college for you! Wisconsin and Illinois lead the country in yielding premium colleges for property management, each housing 3 of the top 10 slots. The runner up is Tennessee, housing 1 of the top 10. To share a few things about our top picks with you, the top 10 colleges for property management have admittance rates of 100%. They admit students with a median SAT score of 1050, and have a median full-time enrollment of 1,775 undergrads. Also, their average costs after aid range from $5,350 to $22,208, and their mean student-to-faculty ratio is 16:1. In closing, they scored an average of 8 on School Authority for their academics.