school authority.

Best Colleges For Public Health Education




Does public health education compel you? If so, you've probably considered a career as a public health educator, a community health worker, or a community services manager. Grads who studied public health education approximately take home a yearly salary of $55,409, which, for your reference, is greater than double the average yearly salary for a cafeteria cook. Our college experts analyzed the numbers to build our authoritative 2022 Best Colleges for Public Health Education list. We hope you find the right school for you. The Southwest heads up the country in generating first-class colleges for public health education, accounting for 3 of the top 10 places. Just behind is the Midwest, having 2 in the top 10. To give you some basic info on our top choices, the 10 Best Colleges for Public Health Education are slightly selective, with an average admittance rate of 54.4%. Their accepted students scored from 25 to 30 on the ACT, and they have net tuitions ranging from $10,253 - $33,400, after financial aid and scholarships. On average, their median full-time enrollment is 24,119 undergraduates, and they have a median student-to-faculty ratio of 16.5:1. To conclude, their median overall rating on School Authority is 9.625.
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC

Appalachian State University is a public university located in Boone, NC. It is a relatively well-rated college, ranked one hundred and ninety-ninth in the United States, but accepts 69% of applicants. It is a bigger institution with full-time enrollment of 16,874 undergrads. 6% of graduates acquire a Bachelor's in Psychology. Other in-demand choices include Nursing, Business, and Elementary Education, but there are 81 majors to choose from. If you are interested in getting a degree in arts management, it is an excellent school for you, because its arts management program is ranked number nineteen in the nation. What's more, It comes in 2nd in North Carolina on our safest colleges list. At sticker price, tuition costs $6,995 a year for students raised in North Carolina. Otherwise, tuition could go for up to $21,062. Before you decide not to apply because of the cost, know that 70% of undergrads procure some financial support. 71% of Appalachian State University undergraduates end up winding up their schooling with a degree, wanting to land their dream jobs. On average, graduates go on to make a yearly salary of $33,000 a couple years after college. After four additional years in the job market, the graduate's median annual earnings grows 17.6% to $38,800; however, that is still 3.2% shy of the national median earnings. You might want to be conscious of the fact that 1/2 of the students tested between 22 and 28 on the English section of the ACT. Also, it receives around $195 in research funding per student, and it does not have a teacher certification program. Respecting your wallet, be aware that 26% of students obtain Pell grants to subsidize their tuition and you can expect to spend around $4,478 on housing every year. Our higher education experts rated it a 9.53 for value and its diversity rating on School Authority is 8.76. Related to campus life, there are 8 men's varsity sports offered, including wrestling, tennis, and football. To wrap things up, 95% of alums are employed two years after receiving their diplomas and only around a twentieth of graduates default on their student loans.

SAT Score
ACT Score
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY

Ithaca College is a private college located in Ithaca, NY. Admission is within reach for most, as the acceptance rate is 69%. It ranks #256 in America on our overall top colleges list. It has a mid-sized student body with full-time enrollment of 6,232 students. 9% of its graduates secure a Bachelor's in Business. Alternative often in-demand principal courses of study include Cinematography and Video Production, Public Relations, and Physical Therapy, but there are 65 unique courses of study to choose from. It has an impressive physical therapy program, ranking 6th in the United States. It also has the #2 physical therapy and sports management programs New York. In addition, it is 5th in NY for best early action schools. Tuition runs $41,779 a year for students who are paying sticker price. Before you decide against applying because of monetary constraints, know that a great majority of undergraduates obtains at least some scholarship or grant funding. 78% of Ithaca College undergraduates graduate, equipped to begin their professional life. On average, graduates make a yearly income of $39,700 a couple years after receiving their diplomas. After four additional years of work experience, their average income grows 31.7% to $52,300, which is 30.4% more than the national median earnings for individuals. Some of you may also want to be conscious of the fact that it accepts the Common App and your high school GPA is required to apply. Additionally, 62% of available classes are intimately sized, with only 2 to 19 students. In terms of your bank account, be aware that it offers a tuition guarantee plan, insuring that your tuition will remain fixed during your enrollment. With regard for demographics, 51% of professors identify as male and the student body is made up of 3% mixed race undergrads. Relating to the campus experience, it has on campus housing. To conclude, below 5% of alumni miss payments on their student loans and the lowest-earning 1/4 of graduates receive a starting salary of $24,500 or less.

ACT Score