school authority.

Best Colleges For Surgical Technologist




If you're intellectually stimulated by surgical technology, you're probably planning on becoming a surgical technologist. On average, surgical technology graduates earn a yearly wage of $42,370, which is 5.7% greater than the median American earnings and 14.9% shy of the mean income for a training coordinator. Our team of college consultants studied every piece of information and are on cloud nine to display the unrivaled 2022 Best Colleges for Surgical Technologists list. We wish you the best of luck during this exciting new chapter. Wisconsin and Florida lead the US in delivering dynamite colleges for surgical technologists, each accounting for 2 of the top 10 slots. Just behind is Nebraska, housing 1 in the top 10. The top 10 colleges for surgical technologists have a small average enrollment of 3,069 full-time undergrads. They have a 100% median acceptance rate. On average, their undergraduates pay approximately $9,198 a year, after accounting for financial aid and scholarships, and their undergrads obtain a median of $4,757.5 in financial aid each year. Additionally, they enroll an average of 14 students per professor, and their overall ratings on School Authority range from 8.24 to 9.01.