school authority.

Top Online Community Colleges




Curious about the best online community schools? Our squad of higher-education experts analyzed every piece of information in order to compile the ultimate 2022 Top Online Community Colleges list. You will probably be shocked by some of this year's top schools. The Midwest leads the USA in providing exceptional online community colleges, accounting for 6 of the top 10 positions. After the Midwest is the Southeast, housing 3 of the top 10. To share a couple of things about our top picks with you, the top 10 online community colleges have a mean enrollment of 1,931 full-time students. They have admittance rates of 100%, and their undergraduates' mean. On average, they cost students around $8,476 annually, after financial aid, and their undergraduates receive from $3,580 - $5,936 on average in financial assistance every year. Also, they enroll an average of 17 undergrads for each professor, and their median academics rating on School Authority is 8.495.