school authority.

Best Colleges For Music Management




If music management gets your brain going, you might be considering a future as a music manager, A&R executive or possibly even the next Clive Davi. Grads who studied music management take home an average annual wage of $52,834, which, for your reference, is 31.8% beyond the national median and 55.3% less than the mean salary of a senior product designer. Our crew of higher-education specialists examined every single university in the country to roll out our in-depth 2022 Best Colleges for Music Management list. You'll most likely find a handful of the schools to be surprising! Illinois, Indiana, and California lead the country in generating superb colleges for music management, each having 2 of the top 10 ranks. The runner up is Pennsylvania, having 1 in the top 10. To share a few facts about our first choices with you, the 10 highest ranked colleges for music management have acceptance rates ranging from 13 - 77%. Their median full-time enrollment is 8,489 undergrads and their median graduation rate is 76%. On average, in-state students pay $41,600 in tuition, while students from out-of-state pay $43,980. Furthermore, they have an average student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1. For their academics, they were rated an average of 9 on School Authority.
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN

DePauw University is a private, liberal art university located in Greencastle, IN. It is a well-rated college, currently ranked one hundred and forty-second in America, and has an acceptance rate of 63%. It has a small student body with 2,270 full-time undergrads in attendance. 13% of its graduates get a Bachelor's degree in Economics. Other routinely desired academe include Professional and Technical Writing, Computer Science, and Biology, but there are 44 different offerings to choose from. If you are hoping to get a degree in art while living in Indiana, it is an excellent option for you, because its art program is the first best in the state. What's more, it is 1st in Indiana for best liberal arts colleges. At full price, tuition costs $52,791 a year, if you're applying from Indiana. If you are not residing in Indiana, tuition could be as much as $47,764. Before you decide not to apply because of cost constraints, know that every undergrad gets financial aid. 84% of DePauw University undergraduates proudly walk on graduation day, fresh and awaiting to land a stimulating job. On average, graduates make a yearly income of $40,400 two years after college. After four additional years of work experience, their average annual wage rises 33.7% to $54,000, which is 34.7% over the national median income. Applicants might want to be aware that its students generally scored between 560 and 660 on the reading section of the SAT and the majority of accepted scored between 560 and 680 on the math section of the SAT. Also, it does not have a teacher certification program. Relating to costs, be aware that 23% of undergraduates obtain federal grants to subsidize their education and students awarded state grants receive $6,360 in financial aid on average. With respect to demographics, African American undergrads make up 5% of the student body and Asian-Americans make up 12% of the faculty. With respect to student life, it has 10 women's varsity teams, including Soccer, Softball, and Basketball. Finally, one fourth of graduates take home a minimum starting salary of $55,500 and six years after college, 25% of graduates make $37,100 or less.

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Bradley University
Peoria, IL

Bradley University is a private university located in Peoria, IL. It is a moderately rated institution, ranked one hundred and seventy-eighth in the US, but accepts 67% of applicants. It has a smaller sized student body with full-time enrollment of 4,737 undergrads. 8% of its graduates receive a Bachelor's degree in Nursing. Alternative preferred choices include Accounting, Business, and Civil Engineering, but there are 80 available focuses to choose from. If you are planning on getting a degree in health professions, design, engineering or nursing while living in Illinois, it is a great option for you, because it is ranked 4th in the state for all 4 of these programs. Additionally, Bradley University places 3rd in IL for best test optional colleges. For students paying full freight, tuition runs $31,692 annually. Before you decide against applying because of cost constraints, keep in mind that 100% of undergraduates receive at least some grant or scholarship funding. 77% of Bradley University students make it through to commencement day, geared up to start their vocational journey. The median graduate makes an income of $42,900 two years after commencement. After 4 more years of experience, the graduate's median annual income climbs 24.9% to $53,600, which is 33.7% north of the national median. Many of you might also like to be aware that most students scored between 23 and 28 on the ACT and you are required to take the SAT or ACT to apply. Further, on average, it receives around $743 in research funding per student. On the subject of finances, be aware that students awarded Pell grants receive $4,192 in financial aid on average and 33% of undergrads obtain federal grants to subsidize their education. When grading its location, it received a 7.52 and our college specialists rated it an 8.5 out of 10 for its undergraduate housing. Regarding the student experience, first-year undergraduates don't have to live in on-campus housing. To wind things up, on average, its students graduate with $7,521 per year of debts and 3% of graduates are not employed two years after college.

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Appalachian State University
Boone, NC

Appalachian State University is a public university located in Boone, NC. It is a relatively well-rated college, ranked one hundred and ninety-ninth in the United States, but accepts 69% of applicants. It is a bigger institution with full-time enrollment of 16,874 undergrads. 6% of graduates acquire a Bachelor's in Psychology. Other in-demand choices include Nursing, Business, and Elementary Education, but there are 81 majors to choose from. If you are interested in getting a degree in arts management, it is an excellent school for you, because its arts management program is ranked number nineteen in the nation. What's more, It comes in 2nd in North Carolina on our safest colleges list. At sticker price, tuition costs $6,995 a year for students raised in North Carolina. Otherwise, tuition could go for up to $21,062. Before you decide not to apply because of the cost, know that 70% of undergrads procure some financial support. 71% of Appalachian State University undergraduates end up winding up their schooling with a degree, wanting to land their dream jobs. On average, graduates go on to make a yearly salary of $33,000 a couple years after college. After four additional years in the job market, the graduate's median annual earnings grows 17.6% to $38,800; however, that is still 3.2% shy of the national median earnings. You might want to be conscious of the fact that 1/2 of the students tested between 22 and 28 on the English section of the ACT. Also, it receives around $195 in research funding per student, and it does not have a teacher certification program. Respecting your wallet, be aware that 26% of students obtain Pell grants to subsidize their tuition and you can expect to spend around $4,478 on housing every year. Our higher education experts rated it a 9.53 for value and its diversity rating on School Authority is 8.76. Related to campus life, there are 8 men's varsity sports offered, including wrestling, tennis, and football. To wrap things up, 95% of alums are employed two years after receiving their diplomas and only around a twentieth of graduates default on their student loans.

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Jacksonville University
Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville University is a private university located in Jacksonville, FL. We've ranked it #356 in America on our overall top colleges list, and admission is nearly attainable for anyone, with a 90% acceptance rate. It is a small sized university with full-time enrollment of 2,071 students. 50% of its graduates get a Bachelor's in Nursing. Additional common picks include Management Sciences and Information Systems, Business, and Sociology, but there are 48 total options to choose from. If you would like to focus your studies on nursing at a university in Florida but don't have the best grades, it is a great choice for you, because its nursing program is ranked #4 in the state. Additionally, Jacksonville University ranks 4th in FL according to our best colleges with rolling admissions list. Tuition costs $34,836 per year for students who pay full freight. Before you decide against applying due to monetary constraints, be aware that practically every single student, the vast majority of undergrads is awarded financial support. 54% of Jacksonville University undergraduates make it to commencement day, wanting to find their dream jobs. A couple years after finishing their studies, graduates make an average wage of $42,700. After four additional years of work experience, the graduate's average salary grows 18.3% to $50,500, which is 25.9% on top of the national median wage for individuals. Many of you may also like to know that college prep courses are recommended to apply and over half of the students got between 18 and 26 on the ACT math component. Also, on average, it receives around $874 in research funding per student, and 26% of classes have 20 to 39 students. Concerning your bank account, be aware that the average tuition for people from households with an income of over $110k a year is around $31,802. When it comes to demographics, 16% of undergrads come from households with an annual income of $75k to $110k and 30% of undergrads are from a household with an income less than $30k. On the subject of the campus experience, there are 9 women's varsity teams, including Rowing, Lacrosse, and Basketball. To wind things up, the lowest-earning 1/4 of graduates make $30,900 or less six years after graduation and a fourth of graduates take home a starting salary of $25,200 or less.

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